Iron Flame

The Book in 1 Sentence

Twilight rears its Dragon head with a woefully pathetic high school description of love and sacrifice.

Brief Review

Yarrow once against tells a compelling story that is in need of some depth. The constant repetition from the previous book and ideas/lines from commercially successful movies makes this a parrot call to what it could have been.

Why I Read this book

I read the first one and enjoyed it. I knew there was a second so I wanted to finish the series. As a note, I have heard that she plans on writing a third, but I don’t think I’ll read it.

In-Depth Review

I cannot tell you how many dumb things these characters do that go completely against the character that was described in this book and the last. Also the number of direct facsimile or quotes from Twilight is crazy. I wasn’t kidding in my opening line of Twilight with Dragons.

For some good things, Yarros really does pour on the emotion and tones and allows you to feel and sense the characters heartstrings in a much more pervasive manner than most authors.

She also is fantastic about describing the unseen in both character power, politics, and emotion. Things plays heavily when describing the mythical strength and size of the dragons as they display their fire and will.

There are two things about the story that really irked me. One, lessons and rules from the first book are completely overruled in this book. I’m not talking about school lessons, I am talking about the basis of the lore in the universe. Also, the big bad is handled so poorly that they basically don’t matter.


I wanted to like this book after reading Fourth Wing and in general I was entertained. I appreciate the lore and the story, but there was a lot of incongruity with how I expected characters to behave or to put information together based on previous descriptions. Also, this book while being almost 900 pages (I listened to it, didn’t read it), is a repeat of every plot point and hole from the previous book along with the exact same plot armor. It was a massive disappointment for such a refreshing change in fantasy book for me. It’s a 6 at best.

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