The Mechanic


Jason Statham is a Hitman, A.K.A a "Mechanic", who is told to kill his friend under suspicious circumstances. That event brings him close to a family member that he brings on to train.


So this is an older movie, but everything holds up. I am big fan of Jason Statham as an actor even though he is in all reality he is VERY single threaded as far as style. He is an action star. He has a great action star and I look forward to seeing his work in Expendables 4.

In regards to this movie, it isn't anything special. It is a "B" movie that is almost an "A". The rating is more about the cast in general which no one but Jason is really providing a standout performance. Even Jason is very one dimensional, but that is what you want from him. Be a badass.

The story which isn't anything special, but cool in its respect that planning is key. The amount of effort in the opening scene is very cool and really set the stage for a movie that never delivered on that same level, mainly because of the cast and actions taken in the story. Which is why it isn't anything special.

The action is well done. No complaints there.

My Rating

I enjoy this movie. It's simple, sets up a great universe that honestly the John Wick universe could be a part of in respect of this shadow hitman world. It isn't anything to write home about so for that, its a 6. Jason is surround by half measures and is type cast so he doesn't flex his muscles, pun intended, too much.

Parental Rating

Lots of violence, some nudity, and some language, but nothing that would make my dad run away. My mom won't watch this as there is nothing of value in it. Dad approved, Mom rejected.